○geometric seriesについて
幾何学の総柄でできているgeometric seriesは、表面の糸をカットすることで中から別の色が出てきます。

SNIP SNAPはハサミでカットしてあそべるテキスタイル。二層になった生地の表面をカットしてテクスチャーをつけたり、下から出てくる柄を見つけて楽しんだり。あなただけのオリジナルの柄を作れます。

Product details EN
○About "geometric series"
The geometric series features geometric patterns all over. Cuts to the threads on the surface reveal different colors emerging from inside. It can be arranged into borders, dotted patterns, initials, and a variety of other patterns. Enjoy a world of geometric patterns that develops through cuts.

○about "SNIP SNAP"
Use scissors to cut the textile and make your original design. Cut and discover the pattern and shapes hidden inside.
○About the pouch
23.5cm wide by 18cm long, it is large enough to hold pens, small items, notebooks up to A5 sizes. The threads on the surface are resistant to wear and pilling.